Workplace online e-Learning

Our online training platform Intuity provides over 50 training courses covering multiple topics, all priced at just £15 each per user. No long term commitment required, just purchase what you need and GO!
We continue to expand our courses and update the content regularly to ensure you receive to most up to date information.
All of our interactive courses come with full voiceover and enhanced animations, whilst all other modules are available in multiple languages via Google Translate.
Please click on the image to the right to download our full catalogue of all online modules available.
So why use Intuity Health & Safety e-Learning?
Help to identify and reduce workplace risks and improve staff training competencies. Employee retention and productivity will increase, and safety will improve.
If you don’t have the following in place you may be at risk of legal action, plus additional fines.
Detailed and accurate training records for your staff;
New starters and contractors receive the required Health & Safety training immediately as they arrive on site, or even before they arrive;
Employees are aware of the risks in their environment, whether it be at work, or working at home;
Employees know what to do in the event of a Fire or an Emergency Evacuation.
Our online e-Learning can effectively train and audit your staff and contractors with regards to Health & Safety in the Workplace. Our interactive e-Learning provides an engaging and highly effective way of training by using a combination of live action video, text, voice over and interactive tests.
Full Audit Trail
The tracking function allows for a full audit trail, detailing the individual’s modules undertaken, screens viewed together with the questions answered. This data and reporting functionality can be crucial in the event of a Health & Safety incident and settling liability.
Online Health & Safety e-Learning courses that actually work
On successful completion of one of our Health & Safety courses, the learner will have gained further knowledge and a better understanding of additional Health & Safety requirements. All learners who successfully complete a course will receive a personalised certificate of competence.
Each course will identify many hazards and risks that are present in many of our daily workplace routines, and provides further awareness and basic skills in managing these risks. The courses identify vital sources of Health & Safety information and provide an additional understanding of the employers and employees obligations and duties.
This means that you can quickly deliver safety critical training to an entire workforce. It does not matter if the workforce is spread over multiple locations as all they need is access to a web enabled device.
So what are you waiting for?
Contact, or to find out more and to book your training. After all there's nothing stopping you.
We're here to help.
The KVF Team.