Correct use of Exhaust Fume Extraction Systems (LEV)
What is LEV?
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) is an extraction system that takes harmful substance (particles, gases, fumes, vapours) out of the air so that we do not inhale these into our bodies, which can cause severe health problems such as occupational asthma.
There are many different types of LEV systems for different reasons. The type applicable to persons working within a vehicle service workshop is The Exhaust Fume Extraction System.
Why should I use the LEV system?
Quite simply, to protect the health of you and everyone else that works in the building. Many tasks that we conduct in the workshop require the engine to be running meaning that harmful fumes are being released into the atmosphere that we are breathing. When you take into account the amount of time a vehicle can be running in the workshop, and the amount of vehicles running at any time, it becomes clear that your work area can quickly fill up with harmful fumes.
You may think, it's okay... the shutter door is open. Well, we value your safety too much to take that chance; and it is not just workshop staff that are affected by this. If there are doors connecting the workshop to other areas of the business, these fumes can move into other areas of the building affecting all that work in those areas.
So, do your bit to protect your own health and the health of those around you - use the extraction system.
How do I use it?
In its simplest form, you simply connect the exhaust extraction hose to the exhaust outlet of the vehicle and that is it. However, here are some common complications that you most likely have come across.
The exhaust is sunk into the bumper and I cannot attach the hose? This is more and more common especially for newer vehicles. In this case, you can use a mounting bracket which holds the extraction hose in place, you simply move the hose as close as possible to the exhaust outlet.
The vehicle I’m working on has a split exhaust! Another simple fix, you change the exhaust hose for a split exhaust allowing you to cover both exhausts with one extraction point. You may have to use these in conjunction with the mounting brackets discussed above.
Always Check before you switch the vehicle on, check what type of exhaust there is and if you require any additional equipment to attach the extraction hose. Before attaching the extraction hose, check that there are no rips in the body of the hose as this will make the system ineffective. Check with the flat palm of your hand that the extraction is working, you should feel the suction on your hand. If there is no suction check the system is switched on. If it's switched on but still no suction, then you MUST report this fault to your line manager immediately! Any other damage or fault with the exhaust hose MUST also be reported.
These simple tips can help you in your toolbox talk delivery:
Practice makes perfect. Yes, it's a cliché - but it's true...
Stay on topic. Try not to get side-tracked by other subjects or topics...
Pace yourself...
Keep it simple...
Present positively...
Engage and involve...
Speak then listen...
Check everyone understands and record everyone involved to keep record of training.
We at KVF really believe that Toolbox Talks are ideal for raising awareness.
Please remember, task specific training should take place only once the basics of health and safety training have been issued to your teams. To get more information on our e-learning platform Intuity Training, email:
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